cosnova says NO

United to end violence against women

essence cosnova says no

“Create a world where women can live without fear!”

essence and Catrice actively support the initiative "cosnova says NO – united to end violence against women". For a future without violence – empowered by essence & Catrice.

Let’s make beauty feel safe

At cosnova, we have been committed to the mission "Make everyone feel more beautiful" for over 20 years. But before we can feel beautiful, we have to fulfil basic human needs such as safety and physical integrity. We want to take a stand against violence against women, raise awareness and help women in need financially. That’s why cosnova is once again donating €100,000 to the Union of German Zonta Clubs. The money will go to a fund that allows affected women to stay in women’s shelters. €20,000 goes into violence prevention projects of the Union of German Zonta Clubs.

essence cosnova says no let's make beauty feel safe

Fact & Figures

  • One in three women in Germany is affected by violence at least once in their life. That’s more than 12 million women.

  • Every 4 minutes, a woman experiences partnership violence in Germany.

  • In 2021, 6,431 women and 7,572 children found refuge in one of the 380 women’s shelters in Germany.

essence cosnova says no facts and figures

Our Symbol against Violence

Inspired by the UN Women ‘Orange the World campaign’, which has been taking a stand against violence against women since 1991, cosnova is also making orange the colour of “cosnova says NO – united to end violence against women”. The cosnova donation results from the sale of orange nail polishes in the standard range of essence and Catrice.

essence cosnova says no our symbol against violence

Get to know: Sarah Bora & Nina Meinke

You are not alone

If you or someone you know is affected by violence, you are not alone. Talk about it and use the following resources to find a way to get safety and support:

  • The “Violence Against Women” helpline offers free, anonymous advice around the clock on 116 016, also online and in 18 languages, without appearing on the phone bill.

  • Information and a list of women’s shelters and counselling centres in Germany can be found at .

  • It is possible to discreetly ask for help from the public, for example with the “signal for help” – you open the palm of your hand, place your thumb in it, and fold your other fingers over it.

  • In case of acute danger: Police emergency number 110