
cosnova GmbH 
Am Limespark 2 
65843 Sulzbach / TS, Germany

Telephone: 006196761560 
Fax: 006196761561199 

General Management: 
Mathias Delor 
Javier González 
Gesine Hild 
Dennis Martin
Thorsten Muehl
Christina Oster-Daum 
Hilko Prahl
Stefan Weinmiller
Yvonne Wutzler

Local Court / Commercial Register: 
Frankfurt / Main 
HRB 54730

VAT registration number: 
DE 813324233

Responsible for the content in accordance with 18 para 2 MStV (Medienstaatsvertrag [State Media Treaty]): 
Mathias Delor, Javier González, Gesine Hild, Dennis Martin, Thorsten Muehl, Christina Oster-Daum, Hilko Prahl, Stefan Weinmiller, Yvonne Wutzler  
Am Limespark 2 
65843 Sulzbach / Ts. Germany

Despite diligent review of the contents, cosnova assumes no liability for the content of external links. The contents of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators. The contents of this Internet site have been carefully compiled and reviewed.

Despite the review of the contents, cosnova assumes no liability or responsibility for the nature or accuracy of the information on this site, neither expressed nor implied.

Dispute Resolution

Complaint procedure via online dispute resolution for consumers (DR): We do not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.